Take Place

Been rubbernecking. Keeping an eye out for where time took an odd moment to add an extra scar to the road.


The last ditch that took some effort to carve. To assure a certain waylay for someone just needing to get away.


The truth for all its power sets everybody else free but itself. Instead chooses transformation. Settles for concealment. To be protected from witnessing itself.


Can’t turn my back on myself but my back also won’t look me in my face so what good’s a back anyway? If it didn’t come with the body why would anyone even bother having one?


The faults furthered the cause of the tectonic shifts. Line breaks will always be a part of this world. Each side is a stanza. The earth quakes suddenly understanding another version needs to take place. This place.

Now And Again

Our heart. Yes, ours. If only ever. What a want to share one with someone/everyone else.


All is lost but we’ll find it again. I promise if you promise too.


I’ll never wish for sleep. I only ever want to be awake. I don’t want to miss a minute of when things get good. Get great. Become what they could always have been.

I wan to witness equality. All I need to see is consistency then I can rest in peace.


I’m trying to keep a little laughter in me but it’s getting hard to do. Somebody told me what to do. Dig into your half of a heart and give me some sound advice. A sound. A lyric to sing to myself when I’m feeling lonely. A verse to hold onto for the uphills when my legs are burning. Give me the song that’ll have me begging to meet the sirens. The sirens here to help us. The sounds of emergencies averted. The sound of a miracle worker’s footfall.


Justice isn’t blind. It’s bound and gagged and I don’t know who’s getting off but I know it didn’t come cheap.


Don’t trust me with your money I’ll bet the house on us. We have to win. We didn’t come this far to lose even if we’re losing now. Now and again.

So Long

And all will pass

into the indivisible love

Andre Breton

Remember that -oh so long

ago when we were

ships whose sails

were not made

that day hour by


And ‘oh these things happen’

But now, the winged

octopus will no longer

guide this —!

For life is not always a cabaret

Sometimes it’s just pitching

coffee cups at the trash

after consuming endless days

of creamy middles

and no wafers

in sight.

* *

Or incognito

as the signs

we’re waiting

to receive

while the unspoken words

are put out to sea

And what a shanty they’ll make

And the scurvy they’ll cure

And the doldrums they’ll surpass

And oh the cargo hulls

they’ll begin to fill

So soon they’ll

throw unnecessary passengers overboard.

(written 2010)


oceans have rage

beneath surface

where the meaning of sunrise

cannot reach.


fortune does no favors for the brave

and as hulls cut ripples

into the sea,


what emotions are stirred?




nothing dies for very long

when in fact,

it was only playing

all along.




where mutinies begin are in icebergs

submerged in bone.


captains accustomed to poison

will find themselves Caesar

as mates

revert to legendary tactics.


with blood on the wheel

promotions are granted

rank rearranged

and the depths

accept their sacrifice.




How kind yet well-worn were the winds

which blew over hills

to push the mill of Quixote?

But time changes temperament

so sentiments

forget about substance

and begin to carry anything

which turns

them young.

And so it goes the blades

were tipped

with a breeze

And bullets were helped into flesh

before the body

had time

to understand naivete)

(for Lorca)

Scythes Dropped

Scythes dropped for oars

And the cranes

put to halt

for the nets,

and spinning spools –

unwinding down

trenches, through


breaking with ebb

and crest.



Heart on course

for leaving behind

every last

and rebuilt


Leaves Change Course

Leaves Change Course

“Love makes the discovery

wisdom abandons”

Jack Spicer

be careful confusing dreams

for fantasy,



fate is filled with needs

spoon-fed reluctantly


ripples sway water

sand is pulled back


with pebbles in ponds

leaves change course.